...Человеческий поиск в разработке...
- Модуль: sender
- Путь к файлу: ~/bitrix/modules/sender/lib/integration/crm/timeline/recipiententry.php
- Класс: Bitrix\Sender\Integration\Crm\Timeline\RecipientEntry
- Вызов: RecipientEntry::create
static function create(array $params) { $entityTypeId = isset($params['ENTITY_TYPE_ID']) ? (int)$params['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] : 0; if($entityTypeId <= 0) { throw new Main\ArgumentException('Entity type ID must be greater than zero.', 'entityTypeID'); } $entityId = isset($params['ENTITY_ID']) ? (int)$params['ENTITY_ID'] : 0; if($entityId <= 0) { throw new Main\ArgumentException('Entity ID must be greater than zero.', 'entityID'); } $typeCategoryId = isset($params['TYPE_CATEGORY_ID']) ? $params['TYPE_CATEGORY_ID'] : 0; if(!$typeCategoryId) { throw new Main\ArgumentException('Type category ID must not be empty.', 'typeCategoryId'); } $authorId = isset($params['AUTHOR_ID']) ? (int) $params['AUTHOR_ID'] : 0; if(!is_int($authorId)) { $authorId = (int) $authorId; } if($authorId <= 0) { throw new Main\ArgumentException('Author ID must be greater than zero.', 'authorID'); } $created = (isset($params['CREATED']) && ($params['CREATED'] instanceof DateTime)) ? $params['CREATED'] : new DateTime(); $settings = isset($params['SETTINGS']) && is_array($params['SETTINGS']) ? $params['SETTINGS'] : array(); $result = TimelineTable::add( array( 'TYPE_ID' => Timeline\TimelineType::SENDER, 'TYPE_CATEGORY_ID' => $typeCategoryId, 'CREATED' => $created, 'AUTHOR_ID' => $authorId, 'SETTINGS' => $settings, 'ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => $entityTypeId, 'ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID' => $entityId ) ); if(!$result->isSuccess()) { return 0; } $id = $result->getId(); $bindings = isset($params['BINDINGS']) && is_array($params['BINDINGS']) ? $params['BINDINGS'] : array(); if(empty($bindings)) { $bindings[] = array('ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => $entityTypeId, 'ENTITY_ID' => $entityId); } self::registerBindings($id, $bindings); return $id; }