...Человеческий поиск в разработке...
- Модуль: crm
- Путь к файлу: ~/bitrix/modules/crm/classes/general/crm_event.php
- Класс: \CCrmEvent
- Вызов: CCrmEvent::BuildPermSql
public function BuildPermSql($aliasPrefix = 'CE', $permType = 'READ') { if (empty($arFilter['ENTITY_TYPE'])) { $arEntity = array( CCrmOwnerType::LeadName, CCrmOwnerType::DealName, CCrmOwnerType::QuoteName, CCrmOwnerType::ContactName, CCrmOwnerType::CompanyName ); } elseif(isset($arFilter['ENTITY_TYPE']) && is_array($arFilter['ENTITY_TYPE'])) { $arEntity = $arFilter['ENTITY_TYPE']; } else { $arEntity = array($arFilter['ENTITY_TYPE']); } $entitiesSql = array(); $permOptions = array('IDENTITY_COLUMN' => 'ENTITY_ID'); foreach ($arEntity as $entityType) { if($entityType === CCrmOwnerType::LeadName) { $entitiesSql[CCrmOwnerType::LeadName] = CCrmLead::BuildPermSql('CER', $permType, $permOptions); } elseif($entityType === CCrmOwnerType::DealName) { $entitiesSql[CCrmOwnerType::DealName] = CCrmDeal::BuildPermSql('CER', $permType, $permOptions); } elseif($entityType === CCrmOwnerType::QuoteName) { $entitiesSql[CCrmOwnerType::QuoteName] = CCrmQuote::BuildPermSql('CER', $permType, $permOptions); } elseif($entityType === CCrmOwnerType::ContactName) { $entitiesSql[CCrmOwnerType::ContactName] = CCrmContact::BuildPermSql('CER', $permType, $permOptions); } elseif($entityType === CCrmOwnerType::CompanyName) { $entitiesSql[CCrmOwnerType::CompanyName] = CCrmCompany::BuildPermSql('CER', $permType, $permOptions); } } foreach($entitiesSql as $entityType => $entitySql) { if(!is_string($entitySql)) { //If $entityPermSql is not string - acces denied. Clear permission SQL and related records will be ignored. unset($entitiesSql[$entityType]); continue; } if($entitySql !== '') { $entitiesSql[$entityType] = "(CER.ENTITY_TYPE = '{$entityType}' AND ({$entitySql}))"; } else { // No permissions check - fetch all related records $entitiesSql[$entityType] = "(CER.ENTITY_TYPE = '$entityType')"; } } //If $entitiesSql is empty - user does not have permissions at all. if(empty($entitiesSql)) { return false; } return implode(' OR ', $entitiesSql); }