...Человеческий поиск в разработке...
- Модуль: tasks
- Путь к файлу: ~/bitrix/modules/tasks/lib/task/dependence.php
- Класс: Bitrix\Tasks\Task\does
- Вызов: does::getSubTreeSql
static function getSubTreeSql($id) { $id = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($id, '$id'); global $DB; $tableName = static::getTableName(); $parentColName = static::getPARENTIDColumnName(); $idColName = static::getIDColumnName(); $directColName = static::getDIRECTColumnName(); // select STATUS as REAL_STATUS, according to the CTasks::GetList() behaviour // (in \Bitrix\Tasks\TaskTable there is different alias naming) /* --DEP_T.DURATION_PLAN as DURATION_PLAN, */ // enough data to say if and how we can change dates // look also at \Bitrix\Tasks\Util\Scheduler::initializeTargetTask() // CDatabase::DateToCharFunction() converts database format like "2015-10-15 00:00:00" // to a site format: "22.06.2015 11:39:50", and optionally adds the timezone offset return " select DEP.".$idColName." as ".$idColName.", DEP_P.TYPE as TYPE, DEP_P.".$parentColName." as FROM_TASK_ID, DEP_T.ID as ID, DEP_T.MATCH_WORK_TIME as MATCH_WORK_TIME, DEP_T.ALLOW_CHANGE_DEADLINE as ALLOW_CHANGE_DEADLINE, DEP_T.DURATION_TYPE as DURATION_TYPE, DEP_T.RESPONSIBLE_ID as RESPONSIBLE_ID, DEP_T.CREATED_BY as CREATED_BY, DEP_T.GROUP_ID as GROUP_ID, DEP_T.STATUS as REAL_STATUS, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("DEP_T.CREATED_DATE", "FULL")." as CREATED_DATE, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("DEP_T.START_DATE_PLAN", "FULL")." as START_DATE_PLAN, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("DEP_T.END_DATE_PLAN", "FULL")." as END_DATE_PLAN from ".$tableName." DEP inner join b_tasks DEP_T on DEP.".$idColName." = DEP_T.ID inner join ".$tableName." DEP_P on DEP_P.".$directColName." = '1'and DEP.".$idColName." = DEP_P.".$idColName." where DEP.".$parentColName." = '".intval($id)."' "; }