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- Модуль: crm
- Путь к файлу: ~/bitrix/modules/crm/lib/productrow.php
- Класс: Bitrix\Crm\ProductRow
- Вызов: ProductRow::normalizeDiscountForPercentage
protected function normalizeDiscountForPercentage(Result $result): void { if (is_null($this->getDiscountRate())) { $result->addError(new Error( 'Discount Rate (DISCOUNT_RATE) is required if ' . "Percentage Discount Type (DISCOUNT_TYPE_ID) is used. ID = {$this->getId()}", static::ERROR_CODE_NORMALIZATION_DISCOUNT_RATE_REQUIRED, )); return; } if ($this->getDiscountRate() === 100.0) { $discountSum = $this->getDiscountSum(); if ($discountSum === 0.0 || is_null($discountSum)) { // impossible to calculate discount sum, since price with 100% discount is exactly zero $result->addError(new Error( 'Discount Sum (DISCOUNT_SUM) is required if ' . 'Percentage Discount Type (DISCOUNT_TYPE_ID) is used and Discount Rate (DISCOUNT_RATE) is 100%. ' . "ID = {$this->getId()}", static::ERROR_CODE_NORMALIZATION_DISCOUNT_SUM_REQUIRED, )); return; } } else { $discountSum = Discount::calculateDiscountSum($this->getPriceExclusive(), $this->getDiscountRate()); } $this->setDiscountSum($discountSum); }