
  1. Bitrix24 API (v. 23.675.0)
  2. crm
  3. FieldAttributeManager
  4. processPhaseDeletion
  • Модуль: crm
  • Путь к файлу: ~/bitrix/modules/crm/lib/attribute/fieldattributemanager.php
  • Класс: Bitrix\Crm\Attribute\FieldAttributeManager
  • Вызов: FieldAttributeManager::processPhaseDeletion
static function processPhaseDeletion($phaseID, $entityTypeID, $entityScope, array $phases = [])
	$phaseID = (int)$phaseID;
	$entityTypeID = (int)$entityTypeID;
	$entityScope = (string)$entityScope;

	if (!is_array($phases))
		$phases = [];

	// The state of the phases must be before deletion
	$phases = static::sortPhasesBySortAscAndIdDesc($phases);

	// Find prev and next phases
	[$prevPhaseId, $nextPhaseId] = static::findNeighborPhases($phaseID, $phases);

	// Preparation of actions for deleting or changing attributes,
	// the extreme phase of which coincides with the status to be deleted.
	// If the range includes one status, then the attribute is removed.
	// If the range includes more than one status, the range is reduced,
	// so that the deleted status is not included in it.
	$actions = [];
	$res = FieldAttributeTable::getList(
			'filter' => [
				'=ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => $entityTypeID,
				'=ENTITY_SCOPE' => $entityScope,
				'=TYPE_ID' => FieldAttributeType::REQUIRED,
					'LOGIC' => 'OR',
					'=START_PHASE' => $phaseID,
					'=FINISH_PHASE' => $phaseID,
	while ($row = $res->fetch())
		$isStartPhase = $row['START_PHASE'] === $phaseID;
		$isFinishPhase = $row['FINISH_PHASE'] === $phaseID;
		if (
			$row['START_PHASE'] === $row['FINISH_PHASE']
			|| ($isStartPhase && $nextPhaseId === null)
			|| ($isFinishPhase && $prevPhaseId === null)
			$actions[] = [
				'type' => 'delete',
				'params' => [
					'id' => (int)$row['ID'],
			$updateFields = [];
			if ($isStartPhase)
				$updateFields = [
					'START_PHASE' => $nextPhaseId
			else if ($isFinishPhase)
				$updateFields = [
					'FINISH_PHASE' => $prevPhaseId,
			if (!empty($updateFields))
				$actions[] = [
					'type' => 'update',
					'params' => [
						'id' => (int)$row['ID'],
						'fields' => $updateFields,

	foreach ($actions as $action)
		if ($action['type'] === 'update')
			FieldAttributeTable::update($action['params']['id'], $action['params']['fields']);
		else if ($action['type'] === 'delete')

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