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- Модуль: crm
- Путь к файлу: ~/bitrix/modules/crm/classes/general/crm_activity.php
- Класс: \CAllCrmActivity
- Вызов: CAllCrmActivity::RegisterLiveFeedEvent
static function RegisterLiveFeedEvent(&$arFields) { static $contextUserId = false; $ID = isset($arFields['ID']) ? intval($arFields['ID']) : 0; if($ID <= 0) { $arFields['ERROR'] = 'Could not find activity ID.'; return false; } $ownerTypeID = isset($arFields['OWNER_TYPE_ID']) ? intval($arFields['OWNER_TYPE_ID']) : CCrmOwnerType::Undefined; if(!CCrmOwnerType::IsDefined($ownerTypeID)) { $arFields['ERROR'] = 'Could not find owner type ID.'; return false; } $ownerID = isset($arFields['OWNER_ID']) ? intval($arFields['OWNER_ID']) : 0; if($ownerID <= 0) { $arFields['ERROR'] = 'Could not find owner ID.'; return false; } $arOwners = array( array( "OWNER_TYPE_ID" => $ownerTypeID, "OWNER_ID" => $ownerID ) ); $authorID = isset($arFields['AUTHOR_ID']) ? intval($arFields['AUTHOR_ID']) : 0; $editorID = isset($arFields['EDITOR_ID']) ? intval($arFields['EDITOR_ID']) : 0; $userID = $authorID > 0 ? $authorID : $editorID; if($userID <= 0) { $userID = CCrmSecurityHelper::GetCurrentUserID(); } // Params are not assigned - we will use current activity only. $liveFeedFields = array( 'ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => CCrmOwnerType::Activity, 'ENTITY_ID' => $ID, 'USER_ID' => $userID, 'MESSAGE' => '', 'TITLE' => '', 'LOG_RIGHTS' => (!empty($arFields["RESPONSIBLE_ID"]) && intval($arFields["RESPONSIBLE_ID"]) > 0 ? array('U'.$arFields["RESPONSIBLE_ID"]) : false) ); $bindings = isset($arFields['BINDINGS']) && is_array($arFields['BINDINGS']) ? $arFields['BINDINGS'] : array(); if(!empty($bindings)) { $liveFeedFields['PARENTS'] = $bindings; $liveFeedFields['PARENT_OPTIONS'] = array( 'ENTITY_TYPE_ID_KEY' => 'OWNER_TYPE_ID', 'ENTITY_ID_KEY' => 'OWNER_ID' ); $ownerInfoOptions = array( 'ENTITY_TYPE_ID_KEY' => 'OWNER_TYPE_ID', 'ENTITY_ID_KEY' => 'OWNER_ID', 'ADDITIONAL_DATA' => array('LEVEL' => 2) ); $additionalParents = array(); foreach($bindings as &$binding) { $ownerTypeID = isset($binding['OWNER_TYPE_ID']) ? intval($binding['OWNER_TYPE_ID']) : CCrmOwnerType::Undefined; $ownerID = isset($binding['OWNER_ID']) ? intval($binding['OWNER_ID']) : 0; if ( $ownerTypeID != CCrmOwnerType::Undefined && $ownerID > 0 ) { $arOwners[] = array( "OWNER_TYPE_ID" => $ownerTypeID, "OWNER_ID" => $ownerID ); } if( $ownerTypeID === CCrmOwnerType::Contact && $ownerID > 0 ) { $owners = array(); if(CCrmOwnerType::TryGetOwnerInfos(CCrmOwnerType::Contact, $ownerID, $owners, $ownerInfoOptions)) { $additionalParents = array_merge($additionalParents, $owners); } } } unset($binding); if(!empty($additionalParents)) { $liveFeedFields['PARENTS'] = array_merge($bindings, $additionalParents); } } self::PrepareStorageElementIDs($arFields); $arStorageElementID = $arFields["STORAGE_ELEMENT_IDS"]; if (!empty($arStorageElementID)) { if ($arFields["STORAGE_TYPE_ID"] == StorageType::WebDav) { $liveFeedFields["UF_SONET_LOG_DOC"] = $arStorageElementID; } else if ($arFields["STORAGE_TYPE_ID"] == StorageType::Disk) { $liveFeedFields["UF_SONET_LOG_DOC"] = array(); //We have to add prefix Bitrix\Disk\Uf\FileUserType::NEW_FILE_PREFIX to file ID foreach($arStorageElementID as $elementID) { $liveFeedFields["UF_SONET_LOG_DOC"][] = "n{$elementID}"; } } else { $liveFeedFields["UF_SONET_LOG_FILE"] = $arStorageElementID; } } if ($arFields["TYPE_ID"] == CCrmActivityType::Email) { if ($contextUserId === false) { $res = \Bitrix\Main\UserGroupTable::getList(array( 'order' => array( 'USER_ID' => 'ASC' ), 'filter' => array( 'GROUP_ID' => 1, '=USER.ACTIVE' => 'Y' ), 'select' => array('USER_ID'), 'limit' => 1 )); if ($userGroupFields = $res->fetch()) { // hack: for UF CheckFields(), agent call $contextUserId = $liveFeedFields['CONTEXT_USER_ID'] = $userGroupFields['USER_ID']; } } else { $liveFeedFields['CONTEXT_USER_ID'] = $contextUserId; } } $eventID = 0; $associatedEntityId = isset($arFields['ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID']) ? (int)$arFields['ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID'] : 0; $provider = self::GetActivityProvider($arFields); if ($provider !== null && Settings\Crm::isLiveFeedRecordsGenerationEnabled()) { $eventID = $provider::createLiveFeedLog($associatedEntityId, $arFields, $liveFeedFields); } if ($eventID === 0) { $arOptions = []; if (isset($arFields['PROVIDER_ID'])) { $arOptions['ACTIVITY_PROVIDER_ID'] = $arFields['PROVIDER_ID']; } $eventID = CCrmLiveFeed::CreateLogEvent($liveFeedFields, CCrmLiveFeedEvent::Add, $arOptions); } if ($eventID === false && isset($liveFeedFields['ERROR'])) { $arFields['ERROR'] = $liveFeedFields['ERROR']; } else { if ( intval($arFields["RESPONSIBLE_ID"]) > 0 && $arFields["RESPONSIBLE_ID"] != $userID && CModule::IncludeModule("im") ) { $bHasPermissions = false; $perms = CCrmPerms::GetUserPermissions($arFields["RESPONSIBLE_ID"]); foreach ($arOwners as $arOwner) { if (CCrmActivity::CheckReadPermission($arOwner["OWNER_TYPE_ID"], $arOwner["OWNER_ID"], $perms)) { $bHasPermissions = true; break; } } switch ($arFields['TYPE_ID']) { case CCrmActivityType::Call: $type = 'CALL'; break; case CCrmActivityType::Meeting: $type = 'MEETING'; break; default: $type = false; } if ($type) { $url = CCrmOwnerType::GetEntityShowPath(CCrmOwnerType::Activity, $ID); $arMessageFields = array( "MESSAGE_TYPE" => IM_MESSAGE_SYSTEM, "TO_USER_ID" => $arFields["RESPONSIBLE_ID"], "FROM_USER_ID" => $userID, "NOTIFY_TYPE" => IM_NOTIFY_FROM, "NOTIFY_MODULE" => "crm", "LOG_ID" => $eventID, "NOTIFY_EVENT" => "changeAssignedBy", "NOTIFY_TAG" => "CRM|ACTIVITY|".$ID, "NOTIFY_MESSAGE" => GetMessage("CRM_ACTIVITY_".$type."_RESPONSIBLE_IM_NOTIFY", Array("#title#" => ''.htmlspecialcharsbx($arFields['SUBJECT']).'')), "NOTIFY_MESSAGE_OUT" => GetMessage("CRM_ACTIVITY_".$type."_RESPONSIBLE_IM_NOTIFY", Array("#title#" => htmlspecialcharsbx($arFields['SUBJECT'])))." (".CCrmUrlUtil::ToAbsoluteUrl($url).")" ); if(!$bHasPermissions) { //TODO: Add message 'Need for permissions' $arMessageFields["NOTIFY_MESSAGE"] = GetMessage("CRM_ACTIVITY_".$type."_RESPONSIBLE_IM_NOTIFY", Array("#title#" => htmlspecialcharsbx($arFields['SUBJECT']))); $arMessageFields["NOTIFY_MESSAGE_OUT"] = GetMessage("CRM_ACTIVITY_".$type."_RESPONSIBLE_IM_NOTIFY", Array("#title#" => htmlspecialcharsbx($arFields['SUBJECT']))); } CIMNotify::Add($arMessageFields); } } } return $eventID; }